The Credo…
Spiritual healing is the gateway to a newer, broader perception of reality. It opens a path toward healing the body, soul, mind, spirit and soul. It is a springboard to a change in awareness that lets you powerfully expose the healing sources deep within you. It also provides tools for coping with daily challenges in a practical way. Here you will be able to reach levels of self that you didn't know existed. Exposure to these spiritual aspects will gently lead you to discover a world that is invisible, but affects our lives subconsciously. Connecting to this awareness means that we can gently, but powerfully, affect ourselves and the reality around us. Learning all this exposes us to tremendous forces in our world that we can consciously use as spiritual agents for change. Those who study healing greatly improve their quality of life as well as the quality of life of others. The energy level contains all the other levels, and is the quickest way to attain results. That is because it comes from the root and produces healing on the deepest level, preventing recurrence of the disease. It is not merely a temporary or technical solution for symptoms or a momentary palliative for pain. Those who learn healing acquire the tools for a healthy, happy and more balanced reality. and just as importantly: To study the subject and undergo the treatments, one needs no prior knowledge, talent or faith - only a willingness to leap toward a new reality…
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